Get Tested
Patients can visit any Reproductive Specialist or their own Ob-Gyn to be tested. Unlike a laparoscopy, an endometrial biopsy can be performed during a normal office visit in your doctor’s office. Please check with your doctor or contact us in advance to ensure your center is currently supplied with our ReceptivaDx™ collection kits.
Our list of Reproductive Specialists offering ReceptivaDx™ grows every day. Click here for a list of centers that currently offer ReceptivaDx™ testing. Please call us during normal business at 800-795-5385 if you don’t see a center near you.

Free Phone Consultation
For your convenience, CiceroDx offers a free 20 minute consultative phone call to explain more about ReceptivaDx™ testing. Although this does not replace the need to consult with your physician or healthcare professional, our patient advocates can provide information that will help assist you in understanding any question you may have about the use of the test, the results, treatment, and how it fits into your workup.
Please use our convenient online appointment calendar to schedule your free 20 minute consultation. And make sure you properly identify your time zone when booking an appointment. We look forward to speaking with you.
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