Sunny Jun
MD – CCRM San Francisco Menlo Park, CA
“ReceptivaDx provides unique information for our patients with unexplained infertility, failed IVF history and those with recurrent pregnancy loss. In the past, so many of these patients would simply give up. The test has made a significant difference in our practice. “
Dr. Aimee
San Ramon, CA
“I was one of the early adopters of the ReceptivaDx test. Our experience has exceeded my expectations. We can now identify and treat women with early endometriosis who might have gone undetected before. For our patients, this has led to improved success rates, reduced costs and the avoidance of multiple IVF cycles. “
Mira Aubuchon
M.D. – MCRM Fertility Chesterfield, Missouri
“ReceptivaDx has given me insight into previously unexplained infertility and failed IVF along with treatment options for my patients.“
Alex Steinleitner
M.D. Physician – Central Coast Fertility San Luis Obispo, CA
“Endometriosis/uterine receptivity defects are common and in this ‘no laparoscopy’ era, ReceptivaDx is essential for diagnosis and treatment planning.”
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