If you’re unable to get pregnant after 12 months of unprotected sex, you may want to seek medical consultation. For those seeing their OB, a significant percentage of women may be guided to the first two options below. For those who go to a fertility specialist and who undergo a more complete fertility evaluation, there still may not be any obvious reason for their inability to conceive. Women may then be offered some form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) which includes all fertility treatments in which either eggs or embryos are handled. The main types of ART are IUI and in vitro fertilization. However, despite doing IVF, almost 50% will still not end up with a baby. ReceptivaDx is changing that.
Treating Unexplained Infertility with ReceptivaDX
ReceptivaDx is a test highly associated with inflammation of the uterine lining, usually diagnosed as asymptomatic or silent endometriosis. It is a vital tool in helping to treat failed IVF and unexplained infertility. If the results are positive, treatment options are available to increase the success rates on the next transfer almost 6-fold from 12% to over 60%.
- Lifestyle Changes & Timed Intercourse
For women diagnosed with unexplained infertility, doctors often recommend lifestyle changes and timing sexual intercourse. They will instruct you on how to time sexual intercourse to coincide with your ovulation and boost your chances of getting pregnant. Doctors may also recommend lifestyle changes like cutting off cigarettes, alcohol, and recreational marijuana.
Reduce your caffeine intake and try to lose weight through regular exercise if you are overweight. Underweight women also need to eat healthy to achieve the recommended BMI for supporting a pregnancy. Other lifestyle changes include reducing overall stress and watching out for other factors that may be negatively affecting reproductive health.
2. Fertility-Boosting Medication
Treating infertility that has no apparent cause often involves medication. Pills like Clomid are popularly used to stimulate ovulation. Such medications cause the ovaries to release more eggs in a month instead of just one, increasing the chances of one getting fertilized. Fertility boosting pills are also used alongside intrauterine insemination to increase the chances of successful conception.
Hormones like injectable gonadotropins offer another choice for couples struggling to conceive without a known reason. Injectable gonadotropins contain hormones that stimulate egg release and development in women. These hormones can also treat men with low sperm count. Most medications are combined with other infertility treatments.
3. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
IUI is one of the most cost effective and popular infertility treatments and the ideal choice if the diagnosis doesn’t explain the cause of your infertility. Intrauterine insemination involves cleaning and concentrating sperms, then placing them in your uterus around the time you ovulate. IUI has significant success rates and involves multiple cycles to increase the chances of conceiving.
Fertility specialists can assess your requirements and determine the number of cycles needed. The ideal number of cycles will depend on your age and interest in moving on to IVF should IUI fail. You’ll also receive medication and vitamins to stimulate the release of ovaries and the overall reproductive system.
4. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
IVF is among the most successful infertility treatments but is invasive and more expensive than alternative options. The procedure involves fertilizing a healthy egg outside the womb and transferring the fertilized embryo to the womb for implantation. Three cycles of failed IUI with gonadotropins is enough for the doctor to recommend in vitro fertilization. IFV has the advantage of assessing the quality of both the egg and the sperm prior to implantation. Despite the high success rates, the average patient will need to do at least 2 full cycles of transfers before getting pregnant. For those that fail, the issue may be endometriosis. This is where ReceptivaDx can make a difference. Knowing one has this disease despite no overt symptoms allows your Fertility doctor to offer hormone suppression treatment of laparoscopic surgery to treat the endometriosis and improve the success rates on the next transfer considerably.
For more information on ReceptivaDx , contact us today at www.receptivadx.com