How Hormones Affect Fertility

How Hormones Affect Fertility

Unexplained infertility may involve various factors, such as hormonal imbalances or affected reproductive organs. If patients have undergone several fertility treatments with no success, a ReceptivaDx test may help. This test helps find the root cause of infertility to treat endometriosis. Here’s how hormones affect fertility and how a test will help identify the cause:…

3 tips for talking to an ivf specialist

3 Questions To Ask a Fertility Specialist After IVF Failure

IVF failure is when a pregnancy does not occur after an embryo is transferred into a uterus for gestation. If you have experienced this, it does not mean that you are unable to conceive in the future with or without IVF. Here are some questions to ask a fertility specialist about your IVF treatment:  1….

Five Tips To Improve the Chances of IVF Success

Five Tips To Improve the Chances of IVF Success

In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is one of the main assisted reproductive technology options available to individuals and couples struggling with infertility. During IVF treatment, the patient’s ovaries are stimulated to produce eggs that are then retrieved, fertilized with sperm outside the womb, and transferred as embryos back into the uterus. Possible factors involved in…

How Progesterone Resistance and Endometriosis Affect Fertility

How Progesterone Resistance and Endometriosis Affect Fertility

Progesterone resistance and endometriosis are two potential causes of infertility. For individuals diagnosed with unexplained infertility, further testing, such as the ReceptivaDx test, can help identify or rule out these conditions. With these test results, women are able to pursue proper treatment and improve their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Here is more information…

Unexplained Infertility – What Next? 3 Steps to Move Things Forward

Unexplained Infertility – What Next? 3 Steps to Move Things Forward

Unexplained infertility affects between 10 and 30 per cent of couples trying to conceive, according to 2022 data. It’s a big number, but testing varies between healthcare providers, and what might be considered ‘standard’ testing by your doctor may be out of the ordinary for another clinic or team. 

Unexplained Infertility After My Miscarriage

Unexplained Infertility After My Miscarriage

Unexplained infertility can occur after a miscarriage, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and on other occasions. At ReceptivaDx, we have created a test that may assist one in understanding unexplained infertility. Here is what one should know about our testing and how it may help them with their infertility journey:  What Is Unexplained Infertility?  Unexplained infertility…