Why Is It Called Silent Endometriosis?

Why Is It Called Silent Endometriosis?

Endometriosis can have many symptoms, from pain to heavy menstrual bleeding; but some patients are asymptomatic. Silent endometriosis occurs when you have the condition of endometriosis but don’t manifest the known or most common symptoms. Asymptomatic women may never realize they have endometriosis until they’re faced with unexplained infertility. At ReceptivaDx, we specialize in diagnosing…

Steps To Take When You Are Experiencing Unexplained Infertility

Steps To Take When You Are Experiencing Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained infertility occurs when fertility tests do not reveal an apparent cause of the condition. At ReceptivaDx, we test the BCL6 levels to determine if your infertility stems from endometriosis — one of the leading causes of infertility. Endometriosis can be symptomatic or asymptomatic and is often linked with indescribable infertility cases. Here’s an overview…

2022 Statistics About IVF Success and Failure

2022 Statistics About IVF Success and Failure

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a popular artificial reproductive technology (ART) used to treat male and female factor infertility. The success rates of IVF are higher than most ARTs, but not all women who undergo the cycle are successful. If you have questions about your unexplained infertility or if you know someone who has experienced…

5 Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Unexplained Infertility

Preparing for parenthood and then coping with unexplained infertility can be mentally tasking. You might not know the appropriate course of action or available treatments. A fertility doctor can make the process easier by assisting you in understanding your situation and making recommendations for treatment options. At ReceptivaDx, we offer diagnosis services to help you…

Signs You May Have BCL6 Linked to Endometriosis

The link between BCL6 and endometriosis is more common than people may think. Our ReceptivaDx testing may assist in understanding unexplained infertility. Here is what you should know about BCL6 endometriosis: What Is BCL6? B-cell CLL/lymphoma six or BCL6 can be an indicator of inflammation of the uterine lining. We test for the levels of…